
Da Vinci's Demons: Tom can't download Starz apps!

In another fabulous, and very smiley video interview with Tom, from the NYCC press line in October, Gamer Hub discovers that even the Da Vinci's Demons lead actor can't download the Starz iOS companion apps for the show, as Tom reveals he only has a UK iTunes account! Come on Starz, make them available worldwide!


Da Vinci's Demons: new video from Cannes red carpet

Some new video footage, from the MIPTV red carpet in Cannes this year, has been uploaded to You Tube. We see Tom and the Da Vinci's Demons team being photographed and signing autographs, while promoting the season 1, worldwide launch of Da Vinci's Demons. Sadly the video quality isn't great.


Da Vinci's Demons: NYCC round table interview transcript

Q: I studied Da Vinci in college, but I didn't know most of the things that I've learned from the show. What's the most surprising thing about him that you've learned from doing this?


Da Vinci's Demons: more Florence interviews and set visits...

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Months after being recorded in Florence, another fantastic video interview with Tom and David S. Goyer, talking about season 1 of Da Vinci's Demons, has been shared online, and finally appears in online searches. 


Da Vinci's Demons: hip injuries and heart throbs

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I swear I have scoured everywhere for all the video interviews from NYCC, and still some have managed to stay hidden...this brilliant interview with Tom and David S. Goyer was uploaded on 15th October. It is particularly good since the interviewers ask Tom and David new questions, and receive interesting replies. Also, it is rather enjoyable for those currently appreciating Tom's arms...


Da Vinci's Demons: brilliant NYCC highlights video

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Starz has uploaded a fabulous video of the highlights from last weekend's NYCC. We see the Da Vinci's Demons team, including Tom, signing autographs and chatting to fans, and later chatting to camera. 

As usual, sadly, it is only viewable to those in the US. 


Da Vinci's Demons: collectors edition soundtrack

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On 22nd October, a collector's edition of the Da Vinci's Demons soundtrack will be available to buy, complete with 30 minutes of bonus music. The press release even has some comments from Tom!

Sparks & Shadows is proud to announce the release of the DA VINCI’S DEMONS SOUNDTRACK (COLLECTOR’S EDITION) on October 22, 2013. 


Da Vinci's Demons: NYCC Coming Soon Net interview

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Coming Soon.net have uploaded their video, of the round table interview with Tom and David S. Goyer, recorded yesterday at NYCC.

It is the same as the Fanhattan interview, but is better quality, which is always appreciated. 


Da Vinci's Demons: NYCC IGN video interview

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IGN have uploaded a great new video interview with Tom and Laura Haddock, from NYCC yesterday. 


Da Vinci's Demons: NYCC press line photos & fan questions

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What's next for da Vinci and Lucrezia?

"Just because s1 ended the way it did doesn't necessarily mean they'll be able to keep themselves away from each other. They ended in a very difficult place but if there is one person that can understand her it's Leonardo."

How does @thisisTomRiley describe da Vinci & Riario's relationship in 3 words?