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A new report from the set of Da Vinci's Demons season 3 has been shared on this website. The article highlights  an interview with Tom, who explains why Leo's sexuality is never going to be addressed in Da Vinci's Demons. As happened with season 2, the issue was to be explored this season, but as the storylines expanded, the  sexuality subject was delayed again, until what would have been season 4. Read it in full on MCM Buzz.

Another thing that Buzz learnt was dropped from season three when we visited the set to chat to star Tom Riley was a subplot involving Leonardo’s sexuality. There were hints of the artists bisexuality in season one but that had fallen pretty much entirely by the wayside but Riley denies there’s any conscious “straightwashing”.

“We don’t really touch on any relationship this season because of the Turkish Invasion. Therefore Leonardo isn’t in a position for relationships. He hasn’t tended to be. There’s been that one overarching one with Lucretia which we are still continuing to serve but not necessarily in the way people might expect. But when we sat down and broke the plot arc for this season there was definitely a plan of action to not just confront that but really explore it. But as plans expanded it that got knocked into season four.”

Which begs the question, would his new “event series” cover that ground? On the other hand Riley admits, “I play it as gay as I can, anyway, if I’m honest. Me and Greg [Chillin – Zoroaster] are always trying to find new ways of eyeballing each other. There’s also some stuff with Riario that I’m sure goes beyond the realms of mere antagonism.”

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