
EW shared an article in August from their visit to the set of Da Vinci's Demons season 3. As a follow on from that, EW has now shared their interviews with Tom, Laura, Gregg and the team. Read it in full on their website

Last we spoke, season 3 was just announced, and you were talking about the transition of your character from season 1 to season 2 and the dimension you were able to add to him. I was just wondering where it goes from season 2 to season 3 now that you’re in it.

TOM RILEY: It’s been the hardest yet, the hardest work, and the hardest on Da Vinci—and me, at the same time. They very much wanted to deal with everything that he had done up to this point. The writers thought, What would be the most interesting thing to do to this kind of impenetrable hero, as he began? He began sort of being the guy who could do anything and complete anything and was always the smartest, coolest, cleverest man in the room. But he didn’t earn it, necessarily—he was just riding on his brain, you know, just on his wits alone. So that kind of hubris has slightly taken him into a darker place, and he’s caused all sorts of trouble, as we can see—the sort of mess and deaths he left behind in season 2—and the cliffhanger he’s found himself in at the end of season 2 has to be resolved somehow. We’re only four episodes in [at the time of the interview], and it’s going like a rocket—and it’s going to continue to.

I was told that episode 4 allowed them to completely change the dynamic of some of your characters’ relationships.

It’s going to be a very cool reveal at the top when you first see it … Will Pascoe, who wrote it—who wrote [Hugo-nominated Orphan Black episode "Variations Under Domestication"] … he was just determined to make this beautiful, self-contained story, and it really is—it’s heartbreaking. And also what it allows us to do—and this is something else the writers were very keen on doing—is shedding some light on the Book of Leaves. That’s what season 3 will do.

Thank god.

Yeah. It’s going to be less kind of ephemeral—”Oh, this book. This is this mysterious book. We have to get it.” “Why?” “I don’t know; we just do.” This season … not necessarily are we going to say what it is, but we’re going to say, “This is why it matters.”

Photos from the #AskDaVinci Twitter Q&A this afternoon have been shared by Starz on Twitter and Tumblr. 

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