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Some great reviews for Tom Riley's performance as Seth in Dry Powder have appeared this afternoon, though one or two reviewers were not quite so keen on the play as a whole. The Guardian shared another gorgeous new production photo of Tom Riley and Hayley Atwell. 

Jenny, the ostensible villain, is at least true to her merciless principles, and Atwell rightly plays the character from her own point of view: as a mathematical whiz-kid who cannot see beyond the bottom line or compute – let alone recognise – the human cost of her calculations. Tom Riley as the wilfully optimistic Seth, Aidan McArdle as the beleaguered Rick and Joseph Balderrama as the Californian chief exec deliver good performances in Anna Ledwich’s production. It’s a demanding play, but one that suggests there is something rotten in the state of contemporary capitalism. The Guardian

As Jenny, Hayley Atwell is (as she was in the underrated Marvel TV series Agent Carter) the sharpest knife in the box, but far less compassionate, perhaps slightly Aspergic; she often punctuates her pitches with “I apologise”, as if it is a response she has learnt but does not understand. Tom Riley looks too smooth to be as truculent as his character Seth yet still brings it off, and Aidan McArdle makes Rick an occasionally thoughtful, often edgy bastard. FT

There are many good moments. The verbal sparring between Jenny, (Hayley Atwell, superb comic timing) and Seth, (Tom Riley), are funny and enjoyable, Riley in particular is very entertaining with his view of middle managers. British Theatre

In contrast, Seth ostentatiously parades his good-guy virtues, palling up with Landmark's CEO (Joseph Balderrama doing sterling work as the genial but increasingly suspicious Jeff), and Tom Riley superbly conveys Seth's desperate need to fulfil his inflated self-image. Though more socially aware than Jenny, there's a similar emotional arrested development - it's no coincidence that the bickering pair keep bringing up their school days. Broadway World

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