
Another location shooting update has been shared on the Get Surrey news site. According to the article, The Nevers was shooting at Painshill landscape gardens in Cobham last week.

Over in Cobham, Painshill landscape gardens has been closed since Wednesday (February 26) due to a filming crew using the site. Pictures taken from the nearby A245 showed a large number of trailers and filming equipment on the grounds, with Painshill itself not saying what it was being produced there.

Pink signs attached to nearby road signs read phrases such as "SND BASE", "SND CARS", "SND TECHS" and "SND LOC", but did not give away any telling hints. Film crews and equipment in Painshill Park, Cobham, Surrey Filming crews and trailers in Painshill Park on Wednesday (February 26)  

A separate source has since got in touch with SurreyLive to say that the filming is for a new HBO drama called 'The Nevers', which is seemingly due for release in 2021. Nothing has been confirmed by HBO, which has been contacted.

The show is listed on IMDb as starring Nick Frost, of Hot Fuzz fame, Laura Donnelly, Elizabeth Berrington and James Norton, among others. Information about the series describes it as: "An epic tale following a gang of Victorian women who find themselves with unusual abilities, relentless enemies, and a mission that might change the world." American-based HBO, which is also famous for making Game of Thrones among many other hit programs, has described it as a "sci-fi drama" that will be directed by Joss Whedon.

Filming at Painshill concluded on Friday (February 28), with the site open again to the public from Saturday (February 29).

More information about the filming was shared in a separate article, with another photo. Nothing has been shared by HBO about filming, so we don't know how much location filming we can expect. All cast and crew appear to be sworn to secrecy, especially on social media. 

Tom Riley plays Augustus Bidlow in the 10 part sci-fi series by Joss Whedon. The series is not expected to be released on HBO until 2021. 

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